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И. Ансофф. "Стратегическое управление"

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1. Стратегическая информация

1. Ackerman R. W. The Social Challenge to Business. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1975.

2. Ansoff H. I. The Next Twenty Years in Management Education//The Library Quaterly. 1973. Vol. 43 (4).

3. Ansoff H. I. Interview: Shortcomings of Strategic Planning//Interna-tional Management. 1976. Sept.

4. Bright J. R. Evaluating Signals of Technological Change//Harvard Business Review. 1970. Jan.—Feb.

5. Butler W., Kavesh R. A. Techniques of Business Forecasting. Engle-wood Cliffs. Prentice Hall, 1974.

6. Drucker P. F. Managing in Turbulent Times. L: Heinemann., 1980.

7. Drucker P. F. The Changing World of the Executive. N. Y.: Time Books, 1982.

8. Fahey L. and King W. R. Environmental Scanning for Corporate Plan-ning//Business Horizons. 1977. Aug.

9. King W., Cleland D. Information for More Effective Strategic PIan-ning//Long Range Planning. 1977. Feb.

10. Radford K. S. Information Systems for Strategic Decisions. Reston. 1978.

11. Simon H. A. The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge: MIT Press 1969.

2. Формулирование стратегии

1. Abell D. F. Defining the Business: The Starting Point of Strategic Planning. Englewood Cliffs. N. Y.: Prentice Hall., 1980.

2. Ackerman R. W. How Companies Respond to Social Demands//Harvard Business Review. 1973. July—Aug.

3. Ansoff H. I. Corporate Strategy. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

4. Ansoff H. I. Business Strategy. Penguin Books. Harmondsworth, 1969.

5. Ansoff H. I., Stewart J. M. Strategies for a Technology-Based Busi-ness//Harvard Business Review. 1967. Nov. — Dec.

6. Adizes I., Weston J. F. Comparative Models of Social Responsibility// Academy of Management Journal. 1973. March.

7. Andrews K. R. The Concept of Corporate Strategy. Homewood. Irwin 1971 (Revised ed. 1980).

8. Baumol W. J., Likert R„ Wallish H., McGowan J. J. A New Rationale for Corporate Social Policy. N. Y.: Committee for Economic Development 1970.

9. Bettis R. A., Hall W. K. Strategic Portfolio Management in the Multi-business Finny/California Management Review. 1981. Fall.

10. Buzzell R. D., Wiersema F. Successful Sharebuilding Strategies//Har-vard Business Review. 1981. Jan.—Feb.

11. Churchman C. W. Managerial Acceptance of Scientific Recommenda-tions//California Management Review. 1964. Fall.

12. Day G. S. Diagnosing the Product Portfollo//Journal of Marketing 1971. April.

13. Emshoff J. R., Mitroff I. I. On Strategic Assumption-Making: A Dialectical Approach to Policy and Planning//Academy of Management Review. 1979. Jan.

14. Enthoven А С. Analysis, Judgement and Computers: Their Use In Complex Problems//Business Horizons. 1969. Aug.

15. Hall W. K. S.B.U.S. Hot New Topic in the Management of Diversifi-cation//Business Horizons 1978. Feb.

16. Leontiades J. Strategies for Diversification and Change. Boston: Little Brown, 1980.

17. Mintzberg H., Raisinghani D. and Theoret A. The Structure of Unstructured' Decision Processes//Administrative Science Quaterly 1976. June.

18. Mitroff I I., Barabba V., Kilmann R. The Application of Behavioral and Philosophical Techniques to Strategic Planning; A Case of a Large Federal Agency//Management Science 1977. Vol. 24.

19. Simon H. A. On the Concept of Organizational Goal//Administrative Science Quaterly. 1964. June.

20. Steiner G. Strategic Factors in Business Success. N. Y.: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1969.

21. Vancil R. F. Strategy Formulation in Complex Organizations//Sloan Management Review. 1976. Winter.

3. Стратегическое планирование и контроль

1. Ansoff H. I. Interview: Shortcomings of Strategic Planning//Interna-tional Management. 1976. Sept.

2. Ansoff H. I. The State of Practice in Planning Systems//Sloan Management Review. 1977. Winter.

3. Arthur D. Little Inc. A System for Managing Diversity. Cambridge, 1974.

4. Bales С. F. Strategic Control: The President's Paradox//Business Horizons. 1977. Aug.

5 Bower J. L. Planning within the Firm//Amei ican Economic Review. 1970. May

6 Camillus J. C., Grant J. H. Operational Planning: The Integration of Programming and Budgeting//Academy of Management Review, 1980. July.

7. Channon D. F.. Jalland R. M. Multinational Strategic Planning. Mac-millan N. Y., 1978.

8. Lorange P., Vacil R. F. Strategic Planning Systems; Englewootf'Cliffs. Prentice Hall,, 1977. /

9. Mintzberg H Planning on the Left Side and Management on the Right//Harvard Business Review. 1976. July—Aug.

10. Steiner G. A. Strategic Planning- What Every Manager Must Know: A Step-by-Step Guide. N. Y.: Free Press, 1979.

4. Управление изменениями

1. Ansoff H. I., Bosnian A., Storm P. Understanding and Managing Strategic Change. Amsterdam. Elsevier., 1982.

2. Argyris Ch. The CEO's Behavior: Key to Organizational Development// Harvard Business Review. 1973. March — April.

3 Argyris Ch. Management and Organizational Development: The Path from XA to YB. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1981.

4. Green J., Jones T. Strategic Development as a Means of Organizational Change: Pour Case Histories//Long Range Planning. 1981. June.

5 Lorange P. Implementation of Strategic Planning Systems.—InHax A. C. (ed) Studies in Operations Management. N. Y.: Elsevier. 1978.

6. McCaskey M. Managing Ambiguity Marshfield. Pitman, 1982.

7. Weick К. Enactment Processes in Organizalions//Staw B. and Salan-cik G. (eds) New Directions in Organizational Behavior Chicago: St. Clair Press 1977.

8. Zaitman G and Duncan R, T. Strategies for Planned Change. N. Y.:

Wiley—Interscience, 1977.

5. Организационный потенциал

1. Ackoff R. L. Creating the Corporate Future. N. Y.: John Wiley, 1981.

2. Ansoff H. I. and Brandenburg R. G. A Language for Organizational Design//Management Science. 1971. Vol 17 (12).

3. Child J. Organization: A Guide for Managers and Administrators. N. Y.: Harper and Row, 1977.

4. Davis S. M., Lawrence P. R. Problems of Matrix Organizations//Har-vard Business Review. 1978. Vol. 56. May/June.

5. Deal T. E., Kennedy A. A. Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life. Reading. Addison — Wesley, 1982.

6 Galbraith J. R. Organizational Design. Reading. Addison—Wesley,


7. Mintzberg H. The Structure of Organizations. Englewood Cliffs. Prentice-Hall, 1979.

8. Mintzberg H. Organization Design; Fashion or Fit?//Harvard Business Review. 1981. Jan.—Feb.

9. Ouchi W. G. The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Control//Administrative Science Quaterly. 1979. March.

10. Vance S. C. Toward a Collegial Office of the President//California Management Review. 1972. Fall.

6. Стратегическое управление

1. Ansoff H I., Declerck R. P., Hayes R. L. From Strategic Planning to Strategic Management. N. Y.: John Wiley 1976.

2. Ansoff H. I., Eppink D., Gomer H. Management of Strategic Surprise and Discontinuity: Improving Managerial Decisiveness//Marknads Vetande, Ut-given av Sveriges Marknadsforbund. 1978. 4/78. Argang.

3. Ansoff H. I. Strategic Management. N. Y.: John Wiley. 1979.

4. Brown J. К. This Business of Issues. Coping with the Company's Environments. N. Y.: The Conference Board, 1979.

5. Eppink D. J. Planning for Strategic Flexibility//Long Range Planning. 1978. Aug.

6. Pascale R. Т., Athos A. G. The Art of Japanese Management: Applications for American Executives. N. Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1981.

7. Организационное поведение

1. Arrow K. J. The Limits of Organization. N. Y.: Norton, 1975.

2. Baumol W. J. Business Behavior, Values and Growth. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace and World Inc., 1967.

3. Beer St. The Brain of the Firm. N. Y.: John Wiley. 1981.

4. Blau P. On the Nature of Organizations. N. Y.: John Wiley, 1974.

5. Chandler A. D. Jr. The Visible Hand. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1977.

6. Child J., Keiser A. The Development of Organizations Over Time// Nystron P. and Starbuck W. The Handbook of Organizational Design. Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

7. Greiner L. E. Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow//Har-vard Business Review. 1972. July — Aug.

8. Lorsch J. W., Morse J. J. Organizations and their Members: A Contingency Approach. N. Y.: Harper and Row., 1974.

9. Meadows D. et. al. The Limits of Growth. N. Y.: Universe Books. 1972.

10. Sahal D. Patterns of Technological Innovation. Reading Addison— Wesley, 1981.

11. Sloan A. P. Jr. My Years With General Motors. N. Y.: Macfadden Books, 1965.

12. Weinshall Th. D. Culture and Management. Harmondsworth. Penguin Books. 1977.

13. Zaieznik A. and de Uries K. Power and the Corporate Mind Boston Hughton Mifflin.. 1975.


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